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    The second semester in NLGL program I took ECI 546 New Literacies & Media in Dr. Lisa Hervey’s class. During the whole semester, I further understand what does new literacy mean. Different from wiring weekly reflections. We use the platform Flipgrad to record our reading reflection. The recording time was exciting but not as easy as I expected. To rich a good reflection video but also related very thing from the reading, it required the reading, summary and speech skills. ​

Digital Learner Interview      Having our say

“It helped by letting us learn the material while also making it fun.”

“there are some motivational aspects that make us almost want to learn the material.”

“technology devices can help the students to prepare for their future careers and it is an effective way to connect with students of all learning styles.”

“I recommend technology such as website resources that can be accessed on our phones, or provided computers, and tablets.”

“Technology can help us get the information we want much faster and easier, but it also influences our attention on studying”

Phones in class 

     In the interview, students say it is boring when they keep learning and taking notes in class. They expressed their expectation for more exciting content in the class study. They hope teachers involved what they are interested in with class, and offer more engaging games in which they would feel excited, and have interaction. 


    Students mentioned that phones play an essential role in their schools and daily life. In schools, they usually use phones to do information searching, tests, videos watching. They use phones for entertainment, contact, social study. 


    I did not realize that phones play such an important role in classrooms. Students can watch videos, search information, have quizzes, eat. Even though not every school is capable provide 1:1 technology devices for students, students have their smartphone or tablet to assist their study. Today,  I believe phones are necessities to all the students. Phones connect them to the world, and they almost can replace PCs and tablets.

PBI Group Project
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